That said.. it really doesn't matter in the middle of the night why she is waking up, just that she is. Last night she and I were up for two hours between 2:50 - 5 AM. It was awesome, and by awesome what I means is... it totally sucked. Hehe... I don't usually like to hold pow wows in the middle of the night, but for the last couple of weeks, I am becoming rather good at them. So.. my day actually started last night.
To continue my day, while getting out of my car to go into Babies R Us I stepped full on into gum. YUCK! So I limp my way into BRU asking for some paper towels or tissue to clean it up as Ari is running around like crazy with my mom trying to reign her in. As I finish with my shoe, I turn and find Ari being adorable. (A saving grace for my day.) When you walk into BRU they have these colored tiles on the floor with these symbolic pictures of a heart, moon, sun, and something else. On the side of where I was standing is a post and on it, they have the same symbols in a column. I see Ari run from the column to one of the squares and yell, "I did it!" Then she ran back and says, "Hmm... What's next on my list? Heart!" She runs to the heart on the ground and yells again, "I did it!" It was so cute. She had created a game for herself like a scavenger hunt for the right tile in the right order from her "list." Guess I'll have to forgive her my lack of sleep. *sigh*
We are both tired and I think I have gotten her down for her nap at 12:15, but not so. Instead she was just quiet for a bit and then pooped and didn't get back to taking her nap until 1:15. So much for our early afternoon plans. Hehe... After we woke up, we left for the mall again with my mom. (I promise I am not always shopping, but we have a lot to get before leaving the country.)
Now... I thought after discussing my miscarriage so freely, I wouldn't be embarrassed to discuss almost anything with you all, but to understand my day, I'll just deal. I have gotten, a day ago, my first period since the miscarriage. (This is actually a good thing, because to try again we had to wait until after the first period and here it is. :) ) The bad thing, is that I had no idea, to add to all the other things I didn't know about miscarriage, just how strong your first period might be. So... we are at the mall and I didn't think to bring anything with me because I should be fine for a couple of hours. Well... Thank god that my mom and dad were there, dad showed up after us, because I left Ari with them and went to find a restroom. When I get there I realize I am in trouble. I left my money with my mom and am a complete disaster and need some feminine product from the machine. Luckily, I had my phone and called from the bathroom. My dad is watching Ari while my mom is coming to the rescue. That was a fun moment.
All the time we were walking around the mall, after the parents left, Ari keeps wanting up, so I've got my backpack diaper bag on my back, my 28 lb. girl on my hip, and a bunch of other bags dangling from various fingers as I am trying to get back to the car. I was a might bit physically tired by the end of the excursion.
So... we get home and I realize. DANGIT! I forgot about my personal training session I had scheduled today. Another session I have paid for down the drain. I need all of my responsibilities to start understanding text message reminders so that I can be less flaky. :(
Here is my bad mommy moment... We get home and I'm like... "Hey honey.. Why don't you play on your computer so mommy can veg out on the couch and pray for tomorrow to come." Now understand, Ari loves her computer and I feel like I am constantly having to drag her away from it while we are at home so for me to purposefully propose it, is definitely saying something. Regardless, I ended up playing with her a bit and I got this awesome picture of her:
Back to the main topic... Daddy got home and continued playing with her so I could make us dinner. I go to pull out my cookie sheet and it swings back and just whacks me in the knee. I KNOW that is going to bruise! I put the aluminum foil down, pull open the oven to put the sheet in and realize that it is easier to make dinner if you put the food you are making on the cookie sheet AND turn on the oven. So I get the hot dogs and lay them out and give the oven a chance to heat up... That would have been a good idea if I had AGAIN remembered to turn on the oven. *sigh* Oven is on, food is on the cookie sheet, and dinner gets made (though overcooked because I lost track of time).
I was ready for bed hours ago and yet here I am writing to you all about my constantly mis-stepped day. I'm off to bed though so I can have a tea party with my daughter tonight at 3 AM. I guess if we are both going to be up every night I might as well make it fun. Hehe...
Here is another random picture of us for those enjoying the Ari updates. We went to Sea World yesterday (a much better day that was so totally unblogable :) ) and rode the Elmo's flying fish ride. We did other things, but I don't have pictures of anything else. So, here we are in the fish she had to have, the pig-fish. I practically got into a fist fight with another mom over said fish, so I'm glad she enjoyed it so much!
Tomorrow's another day. :) Hopefully, that one will have me injuring less, needing rescuing less, and remembering just a little bit better. Ari has a dermatologist appointment to deal with her sunscreen issues (i.e. she has broken out from every sunscreen I have ever tried on her). Wish us luck!